Let Your Cover Captivate...
Like movie trailers, eye-catching, genre-specific Animated Book Covers are a way to make a first impression on your reader and let them know what your book is about at first glance… as people do judge a book by its cover.
Motion on a social media timeline makes a potential reader stop and linger over your cover. Watching your cover art for a moment makes them curious about your book and more likely to like, retweet, and ultimately check out where they can purchase it.
Animated Book Covers are a necessary tool in today's fast-paced world. You worked tirelessly on your book; make sure you give it every opportunity to get into the hands of readers so they can enjoy your work!
Give your Cover a Voice...
Animated Book Covers, Trailers, and 3D Mockups Tell the Story You Want Your Reader to Hear!
Choose your pricing plan
20$The Basics for your BookValid for one week- One 10-Second Animated Book Cover, in both mp4 & gif Formats
- (Does not include cover design)
30$When you want to be a little 'extra'Valid for one week- One 25-Second Animated Book Cover Trailer in mp4 format
- (Does not include cover design)
- Best Value
50$Shooting for the StarsValid for one week- One Full 10-second Animated Book Cover, gif & mp4 formats
- One Full 25-second Animated Book Cover Trailer, mp4 format
- Three 3D Stylized Mockups of Cover (Book, iPhone, & iPad)
- (Does not include cover design)